
42. Value Honesty

To me honesty is the first step in helping people see that no problem's too big for us to act and leave the world better for what we've done.

 But it ain't easy. (Right?)

I feel a huge loss of trust politically, corporately, and even an individual level whereby it's harder to speak your truth. Or at least, we perceive that it's harder to speak our truth.

41. Framing Value in 3 Parts

So, value. When I say value what do you think?

Do you think financial value? Or, think more about that set of values on the wall, or not? Do you feel somewhat disconnected with the whole notion of value?

 Because it's become so meaningless in a corporate sense. (Right?) Something that often is being directed from the top. You're told what is of financial value. You're told what behavioural value is. (Yeah?)

40. A New Conversation on Value

I'd like to start a new conversation on value.  


G’day, Richard here. 


Value is quite an old concept, but it's really become quite tarnished over these last two or three or more decades. Increasingly, we see wars, cruelty, hate, poverty, hunger …you name it. Wherever you look, we find politicians telling us one thing doing another.  


And one can wonder, as individuals in the world, what on Earth can we do? 


Some feel quite powerless. Powerless to the point of giving up, perhaps lost almost to the point of depression. Or a bit like me last year, getting on my social media and shouting out in a bit of anger from time to time. 


But that ain't gonna make things better. 


If we want better, we've got to *create* better. To be better, we need to work from our own sense of value. (Right?)