50. Count Value

Do you count value or account for value? The difference is more than semantics…

Imagine an airline where staff worked hard to create value for customers with a great experience despite tough conditions, while their management group focussed almost exclusively on earnings per share. The gap between the two is huge and the fall in goodwill was extraordinary.


Imagine they’re not alone.


If you reduce everything to a dollar figure, you're effectively investing in your own obsolescence. How long will money matter when there's nothing or no one left to sustain it?


So instead of solely counting value, let’s bring value to account. Value, in how it’s conceived, contributed, and counted.


Leaders conceive value in people and how they behave.


Leaders contribute value to people, mindful of the planet and prosperity.


Leaders bring value to account: but how exactly?


Let’s start by asking how well do people around you know the covenant you’ve made on value? What is their lived experience? How do you know when it’s working or not?


If rely on structured targets and incentives, you might be stuck in the old paradigm.

I encourage you to:


-       Account for how people show up with honesty, transparency, and mindfulness of the whole. How they collaborate, hold themselves accountable and how much respect permeates all human interactions.   


-       Account for the stories about you / your enterprise in how it goes about caring for people, planet and prosperity and the benefits accrued.


-       Account for your own leadership: did you do what you said you would? If not, why not? Was it due to pressure for profit growth? Then you know you haven’t yet shifted the dial in an important time in history.


It’s time to reconsider how you anchor on value and see how it builds trust through comprehensive accountability and broader value creation.


Accounting for value is your opportunity to drive meaningful change towards sustainable and responsible practices by individuals and enterprises alike.


Anchor on value. And account for it.


Go well,  Richard




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