49. Contribute Value

You’re not IN a matrix. You ARE the matrix.

How you anchor on value and how you contribute value, matters more than you think.

In a complex world we are all students. We can change society one student at a time and, shift society at scale within a generation. It’s a process of how each of us constantly changes our cognition to fit with a changing world.


We’re focussed on production of goods and services by humans for humans.

We’re not focussed on consumption and consequences. Of the planet or for society.

We’ve got to contribute value for life: not just human life, all life.


Life is entangled. Species co-relate and their properties intimately influence the state of others that frames ecological thinking within which we find emergence we cannot explain.


Instead of ignoring emergence, let’s recognise our old ways of thinking are limited.

 Instead of being overwhelmed breaking problems down, let’s acknowledge these patterns defy explanation by cause and effect.


To start, let’s stop taking a helicopter view. Imagine we’re like Bill Anders in Apollo 8 looking at Earth Rising…

 See the planet as our source of life… Think about the patterns of life and how they corelate.


Zoom in a little… see societies as a pattern of human life. Think about the ways of working artfully together on the planet, not just from the planet.


Zoom in again… see yourself in your community. Think about your ways of engaging in your community on this insignificant, beautiful pale blue dot of a planet.


Then think like a medico: respect the people, connect with how they connect, reflect on how you seek first to do no harm, and direct your contribution with value to planet, people and prosperity.


We’re not IN a matrix. We ARE the matrix.


Take care. Have a great week.





#Mentor #Speaker

