41. Framing Value in 3 Parts

So, value. When I say value what do you think?

G’day, Richard here.


Do you think financial value? Or, think more about that set of values on the wall, or not? Do you feel somewhat disconnected with the whole notion of value?


Because it's become so meaningless in a corporate sense. (Right?) Something that often is being directed from the top. You're told what is of financial value. You're told what behavioural value is. (Yeah?)


And it lets people disconnect from value because it hasn't been conceived inclusively in a way that ought to have brought together people with their inherent sense of value of truth, beauty, and goodness.


So, where I'd like to start the conversation on value is around how is value conceived, how is value contributed, and how is value counted.


Now that's important, particularly that last one.


Because for all the conception that we might make around value that drives behaviour. For all the contribution that we might talk about in terms of value to the planet, to people, to prosperity. If we end up primarily counting dollars then everything else is mere words.


And people will see through that.


So, these ideas of how value is conceived, contributed, and counted must hang together inherently and symbiotically, inviting people to connect from within their own conception of value and how they contribute to an enterprise. And, let people see their value counted for what it's worth.


Engagement will go up - Bet your life! (Won't it there? Hey?)


Let me know what you think.


Talk to you next week. I do hope you join me,







#Mentor #Speaker #AntiComplexity


Hi, I’m Dr Richard Hodge. I help people challenge their ways of thinking, leading and learning in a complex world. I help increase engagement by shifting leadership from positional power to working artfully with your people co-creating the generational change they seek.

