Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash
Only 20 countries have committed to net-zero emissions by 2050. Many are discussing it. A few others are playing dice with the future [1]
With nations, it’s hard to see how the Paris Agreement will be achieved.
Last year, the Bank of England governor warned firms ignoring climate change “will be punished by investors and go bankrupt” [2] A bold truth.
With corporations, it’s easier to see how the Paris Agreement will be achieved.
Is it more than self-interest? Does it matter if the planet and corporations win?
It matters. Social systems matter.
When corporations tie value to remuneration [3] it perpetuates the roots of greed and self-interest.
This Century, our changing how we conceive value will change the way value affects and reflects culture, enabling better cultures to affect and reflect society.
IF we value the planet we live on AND we invest in corporations whose actions align with our own values THEN more corporations will value a sustainable planet.
They will ask: Is our impact nett-positive or negative? What will make it nett-positive? The answer to that question identifies the actions they need to take.
#ThisCentury #leadateverylevel #lean #agile #leadership #stewardship #strategy #execution #governance #innovation #systemsthinking #systemspractice #TLBS #100words
[1] Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit – see
[2] The Guardian, 13 October 2019 – see
[3] The Hayne Royal Commission into Banking, Financial Services and Superannuation – see page 335.