47. Value Respect

Too often respect isn't even earned. It's demanded. And if you must earn respect, you're already starting from a place of disrespect.

It's not a comfortable place to be, is it?

How many of us have worked with leaders who hold hard to their positional authority?

They come from a position of wanting you to earn their respect - almost deity like. Certainly narcissistic. It's almost as though they feel some need to be admired as a leader… (“Look at how good, how strong a leader I am”.)

Respect is the currency they can dole out, as recognition. I’ve felt at times, particularly early in my career, a little like Oliver bringing forward my work offering on a plate… here sir, please, can I have some more? …Respect, like that, is not a good place to be.

What if we start with respect instead of having to earn respect?

Leaders who start with respect are like those good teachers we never forget.

Those leaders make us feel seen and worthy for who we are and what we bring to the team. Those leaders engage us in setting constraints, understanding boundaries, setting those permissions by which we can act and engage as a whole.

In fact, engaging us in setting the very context for our emotional well-being. Setting a great foundation for psychological safety that's so crucial in doing things that no one ever imagines.

And if that's what you want from your people, then I wonder how you value respect?

Is it time to change the game or are you already playing respectfully first?

Let me know. I'd love to hear. Drop me a note. And I look forward to catching up with you.




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