46. Value Accountability

Do you value accountability? And does it help you play a smaller or a bigger game?

G’day, Richard here.

Perhaps the answers depend on what position you're holding... whether you’re being held accountable. It also depends on how the accountability game is played.

I've had those bosses who view accountability as though they were holding my feet to the fire. It left me feeling, if something goes wrong, I’ll be the one they blame.


I was given a coffee mug one time with a cartoon of two deer on it. One of the deer had three rings of a target on its chest. In the caption, one deer says to the other, “Bummer birthmark Hal.”


This has stuck with me as a perspective of how some people play accountability. And what that sought do. Perhaps like a deer wearing such a birthmark, you minimize your exposure, to minimize risk. You play a smaller game. You surrender power.


But surely there's a better way.


If we think about our conversation last week on collaboration, dealing with those larger problems, and how we each agree who and how we take a piece of the puzzle.


Accountability, in that collaborative sense, then comes down to ‘Did I do, what I said I’d do?’


It's a whole different nuance because it breeds respect. Respect for your contribution. Respect that you are a part of the puzzle.


It goes a little bit further, because it empowers you to be bold, to do what you said you’d do. To give it a go and in that process, play a bigger game.


So, when you think of accountability, how do you look at it?


Let me know. What's your experience?


Drop a comment below and I look forward to talking with you during the week.


(It’s okay. I'm not going to hold you accountable.)


Have a great week,





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