Kerry Lunney speaking at the INCOSE International Workshop January 2020
What a great event – the International Workshop of the International Council on Systems Engineering, especially the working groups on natural systems, social systems and complex systems.
Three highlights:
1 – Women in leadership: Kerry Lunney (Australia) became President of INCOSE and Marilee Wheaton (USA) President-elect. Since forming in 1990, 30% of INCOSE presidents have been women.
2 – This Century, we shifted from user-centred to human-centred design, focussing now on customer experience. Yes, we want a great experience in every engagement, but if we design experiences without consideration of their impact on our planet and social systems, we advance a selfish and narcissistic species.
3 – It’s time for life-centred design. Not just human life. All life. Whether we act sensibly or not in response to a changing climate, the planet Earth will continue to survive. Will it though, continue to support life, all life?
We differentiate ourselves from other species by our ability to determine an answer to this question. Right now, the only answer is, “it depends”.
It depends especially leadership. As leaders, the more we understand the whole of the social system we lead and how it exists within a larger system, the more we will be attuned to life-centred design. We can learn much from the 3.8 billion years of Nature’s design experience.
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