32. Limits To Growth

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1974. Age 19. Driving dad’s new car: a Holden Monaro. Red. And, right for the times.  

Clear of the city, cresting a hill, a long sweep of road in front of me.  

Pedal down. Speed climbing. Fast. Very fast. 100 miles an hour fast.  

Pedal all the way down. Still climbing. 

 From the back seat, Dad broke my concentration. 

Not an angry voice. Not a directing voice. An enquiring voice. 

“What are you trying to prove, son?” 

I had no answer. I slowed to the speed limit and the five lives I’d put at risk began talking and enjoying the ride once more.  

In Australia today, we’re spending over a trillion dollars in response to COVID-19. Targeting jobs with a keen eye to managing inflationary pressures.  

The pressure is rising. Calls to open up. Grow the economy.  

We are obsessed with growth. 

From the moon, growth is not an issue. The planet is blue. It will survive despite all we humans do to grow economies.  

Our survival is at risk. 

Our survival depends on realising there are limits to growth. 

Our survival depends on counting value in different ways. 

Our survival starts by quietly asking, “What are we trying to prove?” 

I will keep this conversation going in my next webinar, Value Counting Value, on Thurs 22 October at 10:30am (AEDT)  

I’d love you to join in: www.DrRichardHodge.com/webcast  

Can't make the time? Please still register and I will send you a copy of the recording. 


#ThisCentury #management #planning