Dharavi Mumbai
The issues of aged care, health, quarantine, population control and economics in Australia today are systemic issues.
The issues of governance, strategy, policy, execution, Human Resources and finance are systemic issues.
The issues of education, employment, diversity, gender equity, racism and remuneration are systemic issues.
Structurally, they’re divisible. – Look out for fingers of blame!
Functionally, they’re indivisible. – Find those who see systemic issues in a whole, impacting the human condition within a larger social system.
Systemic issues need a shift in mindset from solutions to interventions.
Systemic interventions centre on how we conceive, contribute and count value. Then experiment around that centreline.
In our next webinar on This Century Thinking we will explore this idea with the questions:
How we might unearth value in the mess?
How important is it to manage the cognitive complexity before we intervene?
Can we model our thinking to convey our intent throughout an enterprise?
If these issues intrigue you, intervene in your day and join us on 3 September at 10:00 AEST.
Register here: www.drrichardhodge.com/webcast
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