Photo by Fares Hamouche on Unsplash
Leaders who actually give a damn listen to the voices of the unheard. They use ‘the mirror’ and act systemically. They check ‘the window’ knowing Black Lives Matter.
I’ve been asked: “What's the action beyond the talk?”
CEOs and Boards advance systemic change by looking in ‘the mirror’
Ask what do I stand for? Am I blunt in saying what I (personally and corporately) give a damn about: Does profit come before people? Am I explicit when shareholders interests exceed those of stakeholders through our value chain? Do any feel exploited? Do I care?
Review values of honesty > transparency > mindfulness > collaboration > accountability > respect. Do we apply these in a virtuous cycle? Do we practise vulnerability? Do people see variations between what we say and do?
How do we practice justice, equality and diversity? What would our employees say?
Having taken stock, have we stayed silent? In the words of Desmond Tutu “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
If we are neutral, is it because our practices are wanting? Are we hiding our leaders’ license to kill? When we speak out, are we blunt?
The mirror is never comfortable. The Board discussion shouldn’t be either.
People wait outside our window.
#ThisCentury #leadership #culture #governance #systemsthinking #leadateverylevel #BLM