Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
When leaders care systemically, they care about how they conceive and contribute value. The value leaders count, counts.
When care is limited, leadership is a license to kill.
Fatal mistakes made by a doctor and a person dies; by engineers, hundreds die; by leaders or policy makers, thousands die.
Doctors and engineers think and act systemically. In all we plan, design, build and maintain, engineers (like doctors) work together artfully to make things happen amid complexity. We are professionally educated to think systemically. To design and build viable solutions, integrating capabilities into a coherent whole as a sustainable development.
We are quiet achievers in a noisy world.
How much of the way we think and act with care is transferable to a broader social context? Might we elevate our profession to help other managers and leaders shape society and business with the same care we display to engineering? How might leaders show more care with their license to kill?
Richard explores these questions in the Engineers Australia 2020 National Speakers Program on 26 May 2020, with discussion to follow. Hope you can join us.
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