Wurundjeri Country of the Kulin Nation
Politics is a game of numbers. A game of power over people. Win enough numbers, you call the shots. A distinctly human game, where 8 men now hold more economic power than half the world [1].
Life is also a game of numbers, played differently. ‘Winners’ are those most responsive to change. Power emerges from working together. Diversity codifies life. It’s Nature’s game.
Politics calls out: “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Nature calls back: “It’s the ecology, man.”
When we anchor decision making on economics, we squeeze the planet and its people as resources for profit.
When we anchor decision making on ecology, we amplify variety and open opportunities we cannot otherwise imagine.
“It's the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.” [2]
We need those people today.
Leading with *courage* to design organisations ecologically.
Leading with *care* to live the values they espouse.
Leading by *connection* with people, not over them.
In next week’s webinar, I examine how these leaders create response-ability through life-centred-design. ‘Naturally’ you’ll want to join.
Thursday, 12 November 2020 at 12:30 (AEDT) – Please share and invite others for a lunch and learn session.
Register: www.DrRichardHodge.com/webcast
[1] Oxfam, 2017: https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/just-8-men-own-same-wealth-half-world
[2] “The Imitation Game”, Movie released in 2015, on the life of mathematician and inventor, Alan Turing.
#management #humanresources #strategy